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Articles tagged with devonthink to go

June 18, 2024

How to Export a PDF without Annotations

Screenshot showing DEVONthink To Go with an Action menu open, including the print command.

When working with a PDF, you may have marked it up with some annotations. If you would now like to share this PDF with someone, you might prefer to have a clean version of the document. Here we show you how to get this in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. (more)

June 11, 2024

More Key Commands on the iPad

Screenshot showing the popup with the overview of the keyboard shortcuts in DEVONthink To Go.

If you’re using an external keyboard with your iPad, you have access to keyboard commands in DEVONthink To Go. Here are a few keyboard shortcuts you may consider useful. (more)

May 2, 2024

Understanding Item Links

Selection link being made in DEVONthink To Go.

Much of the data we work with is connected in some way. Even if this is an only an implicit connection in our minds, we see relationships between documents. To help tie these documents together, DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go support document linking. (more)

April 2, 2024

How to Use Collapsible Sections

Screenshot showing an item list in DEVONthink To Go with collapsed groups.

If you have many objects in one place in your database, you can quickly lose the overview and have to scroll and search a lot. In DEVONthink To Go, however, there is a way to hide items that you do not need at the moment. Here is, how that works. (more)

March 19, 2024

A Word About Reinstalling

Screenshot showing the file console.log containing error logs.

When you run into an issue with an application, e.g., DEVONthink, you may think you should reinstall it. Here’s why that shouldn’t be your first step. (more)

February 13, 2024

How to Use the Bookmarklets

Screenshot showing bookmarklets in Firefox' favorites bar.

For capturing web content, DEVONthink comes with the Clip to DEVONthink browser add-on, DEVONthink To Go with a share extension. But there’s another way that can work even better, depending on the situation: bookmarklets. (more)

February 7, 2024

DEVONthink To Go 3.8.1

Screenshot of a folder being dragged from the Files app to DEVONthink To Go.

DEVONthink To Go 3.8.1 adds support for the Formatted Note bookmarklet, resolves relatively linked resources also for replicated Markdown documents, and improves working with item links. It also allows importing folders from the Files app. (more)

February 6, 2024

How to Reach Databases on the iPad

Screenshot showing an item list with the sidebar button in DEVONthink To Go.

We were asked the question why long-pressing the back button in DEVONthink To Go on the iPad doesn’t go back until the databases screen. Here’s why. (more)

January 30, 2024

Understanding Database Credentials

Screenshot showing an authentication dialog for a database in DEVONthink To Go.

In DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go, you’ll see fields for a username and password in the properties of a database. These are the database credentials. While it looks like they would lock a database from access, they don’t. Here is, what they are actually for. (more)